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About Me

My name is Emma Hubbard and I started Holistic in the Head because I wanted to help women with digestive issues just like me find relief through diet.

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis when I was 15 years old. My Mom was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at 22 years old.

Both of us have had great success managing our Inflammatory Bowel Diseases through changes to our diet.

I grew up watching my Mom struggle off and on with weakness, and bathroom related issues for years. Later on, I started experiencing similar symptoms. I would have bouts of horrible pain. I would have to sprint to the restroom 4-15 times a day and live in fear that I wouldn't make it in time.

Our lives changed for the better when we started experimenting with diet. We found that changing our diet produced longer lasting remission.  Flare-ups became far less frequent, and we were able to identify the cause. We had reclaimed a measure of control over our digestive health.

We no longer struggle with IBD symptoms. Our diets are sustainable and full of delicious, incredible foods.

It has taken us years to get to where we are now. My goal is to help make the process of finding what works for you and your body go a lot smoother than my mom and I's did. That's why I completed a certification program through the Nutritional Therapy Association in 2021. The NTA prepared me to evaluate and coach you through dietary approaches to a wide variety of health challenges. I focus on five foundations of health:

  • Digestion
  • Blood Sugar Regulation
  • Fatty Acids
  • Mineral Balance
  • Hydration

As an NTP, I'm a firm believer that all bodies are bio-individual (meaning that there is no one size fits all diet). I also believe that any changes you make to your diet/lifestyle need to be sustainable in the long term. That's why I work with my clients to find what works best for their lives and their bodies.

Because I'm so intimately aware of how hard it is to live with a chronic illness, I have a massive soft spot for others going through the same journey. You can expect understanding, unconditional support, and absolutely no judgment from me.

In addition to being a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I took Restorative Wellness Solutions' Mastering the Art & Science of Gastrointestinal Healing course in 2023 and became a Restorative Wellness Practitioner. I chose to do this so I could even better understand exactly what's going on in your specific gut, based on testing.

If you want to learn more about Holistic in the Head, me, or just nutrition in general, you can follow @holisticinthehead on Instagram and/or Facebook.